Getting started
Introduction to Evalato and the user interface, and how to set up an organization and build your team.
How to connect Evalato to HubSpot, Intercom, and another app or service through Zapier.
Response emails, automated messages & wording
How to set up, customize, and manage automated communication for your program, including emails to applicants and judges.
Organization & users
How to manage your user profile, organizations, and program access levels, and how to add a billing account in Evalato.
Managing your program
How to manage categories, registrations, and applications, and how to create and manage tags in Evalato.
Website, embeddable form, and branding
How to create and customize the webpage and portals for your program, embed Evalato on your website, and apply branding options.
Data analytics, export & integrations
How to import and export program data from Evalato, and view detailed analytics about your program and entries.
Evaluation, judging rounds, criteria
How to set up and customize the evaluation process of your program, how to set up rounds, choose a voting method, and add judges to your program.
Setting up your program
How to complete the setup of your program, create categories, registration and application forms, and customize the applicant portal.
Payment settings
How to add payment methods and use payment gateways, adjust currency and tax settings, and how to set up promo codes and special offers.
Help for applicants & judges
A collection of help articles for your program applicants and voters.