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  3. Pricing, payments, and billing

Can I charge a tax like VAT through Evalato?

Settings > Payments > Tax settings

Yes, you can set a tax to be automatically applied during the checkout process from Settings > Payments > Tax settings. The tax charge is sent as a separate amount to make it easier to issue invoices later.

  • Include tax in the total price – the tax is calculated within the price of the purchase and shown during the first step of the checkout process. For example, if you set a price of €100 per submission and 20% VAT, the customer sees a breakdown of €83.33 + €16.67 VAT tax totaling the €100 you’ve set.

  • Add tax on top of the total price – the tax is added on top of the total price of the purchase at step 3 of the checkout process, when your customer is required to enter their billing details. For example, if you set a price of €100 per submission and 20% VAT, the total price per order will be €120. With the Enable custom tax option you can specify when to apply the tax, based on the customer’s billing info and address.