Settings > Promo codes
Promo codes are applied manually by the buyer to reduce the total price. You can customize them to apply for specific categories, during a specific time, or a set amount of uses.
IMPORTANT: Promo codes and Special offers cannot be applied at the same time. If a Promo code is entered, any applicable Special offers will be ignored when calculating the total price reduction.
Create a Promo code
To create a promo code go to Settings > Promo codes. Click on the Add promo code button and fill in the following information:
Promo code — you can either enter a code if you have an appropriate short name in mind or let the software generate it for you.
Discount per application — this is where you put a percentage or a flat amount off the total value of the application.
Valid from / Valid until — set a time limit for the promo code. For example, you can set a code that can only be used for the next 48 hours.
Number of uses allowed — limits the number of times the code can be used. For example, set it to a maximum of 100 uses.
Applies to — a promo code can apply to all application categories or to the ones you choose. Use this field to add and remove categories, or leave it blank to make it available for all categories.
Valid for min/max applications — set limits to the number of applications per registration that the code is applicable for. For example, if you set 4 as a minimum, the registrant will have to buy at least 4 or more applications or the code will be considered invalid.
Valid for min/max value — same as above only the limit is for the value of a purchase. So, for example, if you set a minimum amount of 500 EUR, the code will only be valid for orders of 500 EUR or more.
Promo code — you can either enter a code if you have an appropriate short name in mind or let the software generate it for you.
Discount per application — this is where you put a percentage or a flat amount off the total value of the application.
Valid from / Valid until — set a time limit for the promo code. For example, you can set a code that can only be used for the next 48 hours.
Number of uses allowed — limits the number of times the code can be used. For example, set it to a maximum of 100 uses.
Applies to — a promo code can apply to all application categories or to the ones you choose. Use this field to add and remove categories, or leave it blank to make it available for all categories.
Valid for min/max applications — set limits to the number of applications per registration that the code is applicable for. For example, if you set 4 as a minimum, the registrant will have to buy at least 4 or more applications or the code will be considered invalid.
Valid for min/max value — same as above only the limit is for the value of a purchase. So, for example, if you set a minimum amount of 500 EUR, the code will only be valid for orders of 500 EUR or more.
Promo code status
After you set up a promo code, it will appear in Settings > Promo codes and will be color-coded in orange if it hasn’t started, green if it’s currently active, or red if it has ended, provided that you have set dates in the Valid from / Valid until fields.
Delete a Promo code
Go to Settings > Promo codes and click on the X sign next to the code you wish to delete. The system will ask you to confirm your decision.