Website > Applicant portal > Wording
You can change the wording on the applicant portal that's part of the application submission. To do that, go to Website > Applicant portal > Wording and fill out the fields you wish to customize.
Sidebar link "Registration info" – text that appears on the sidebar of the applicant portal that provides detailed information about the registration.
Heading "Registration info" – heading on the information box with details about the registration.
Label "Reg. ID" – label for the registration identification code that appears in the registration information box.
Label "Registration date and time" – label for the date and time the registration was made that appears in the registration information box.
Message "The submission was saved as draft." – notification message text that appears on the applicant portal when a submission is saved as draft.
Message "The submission was sent for review." – notification message text that appears on the applicant portal confirming that a submission is sent for review.