The difference between the application and the registration form explained
Before a person can submit their application, they have to register for your program first. Since application and registration are two separate processes in Evalato, they require separate forms. The information collected in both forms serves different purposes and as a result, has different levels of user access.
The registration form enables applicants to sign up for a program. In this sense, the process is similar to creating an account. Registered users can access, edit, and submit their applications via a personalized applicant portal. The information collected via the registration form is only available to admins and never available to judges or the public.
The application form collects data associated with each individual submission. You can choose what information in the application form to make available to judges and/or the public. That is why some fields in the application form have a data access option that allows you to limit who can see the information entered into these specific fields to:
Everyone — everyone who logs into your public voting portal during a Public voting round, as well as program judges and members of your organization in Evalato.
Admins and judges — program judges as well as members of your organization in Evalato.
Admins only — members of your organization in Evalato.