Import entries (applications)

You can import program data in Evalato from Data > Import

Evalato lets you import entries (e.g. existing applications collected via a spreadsheet or another software) into your current live Evalato program. 

Go to Data > Import and click on Import from file.  All .xlsx, and .xls file types (Excel) are supported.

You have the option to download a sample file which you can use to:

  • See how your import file should be structured
  • Populate with your entries and use it as your import file

If you are using the sample file, make sure that the header remains unchanged before importing. If you are using your own .xlsx or .xls file, note that you can map the headers after the file is imported.  

Before importing, you have the option to merge entries with the same email in your import file into a single registration. 

  • If this option is activated, entries with the same email address will be grouped under the same registration, including any existing entries in the Evalato program you are importing into.   
  • If the option is not activated, the lines with the same email will not be grouped.

IMPORTANT: If entries are grouped into a single registration, and the data is not the same, the last line of data is imported.

Choose a file from your computer to import and click Import now. 

This will open a window where you can map the headers in your file to the fields of your Evalato program. On the left side, you will get the existing column headers from your file, which you should match to your Evalato program fields on the right, using the dropdown menu. 

After you finish mapping, click on Complete import and the system will import your data. 

Note that during each import, the obligatory form fields include the First Name, Last Name, Registration Email, and Category. If you have failed to map any of them, the system will display an error message with the missing fields. Map the missing fields and import again. 

The system will then proceed to import your data, displaying the date and status of your import, along with any other relevant details and actions needed.  

Import status 

Your import can have the following statuses: 

Pending — Your import is in progress. Refresh the page to update the status. 

Completed — Your import was successful. You can go to Registrations and/or Applications to check your imported entries. 

Completed with errors — Your import contains errors. You can check the file with errors in the Action needed column. You can reimport the file after fixing the errors.  

Uploaded (needs mapping) Your import file has been uploaded but it has not been mapped. Click on Complete mapping in the Action needed column. 

Failed — Your import was unsuccessful. Check the reason in the Details column (e.g., The file contains no data.) 

Import considerations 


  • No registration email is sent when importing
  • If the category is paid, the registration will be created with a "Pending” payment status.


  • Category — In the case of a missing category, a category will be created 
  • Tags — In the case of a missing tag, one is created. In the case of more than one tag, each tag should be on a separate row. 
  • Status — all imported entries will be automatically assigned a “submitted” status. 

Application form fields 

  • Text field  the limit of words and characters does not matter during import.  
  • Paragraph text  the limit of words and characters does not matter during import. 
  • URL field — each URL needs to be on a separate row. Note that only the URL link will be imported, and not any name associated with it.  
  • Media embed field — each media embed needs to be on a separate row. 
  • Questions (single select, multi-select, checkboxes)  if they don’t exist, they will be created. In the case of more than one, each needs to be on a separate row.  
  • Country — both names and country codes will get imported (e.g. United Kingdom and UK). Note that: 
    • The name of the country needs to match the language of the program. 
    • Non-existent "Countries" will result in an error.
  • Waiver — this field should be populated with YES or NO, or, alternatively, with 1 or 0.
  • Thumbnail — this field can be directly imported with a direct image link address in the respective field. 

IMPORTANT: The import function currently does not support the following application form fields:

  • Single image
  • Gallery
  • Video upload
  • File upload