Lost application / entry information

If an application that has been submitted is missing all the information and seems completely or partially empty, there might be 2 reasons.

If an application that has been submitted is missing all the information and seems completely or partially empty, there might be 2 reasons:

  • You have changed the category of an existing application and the new category is linked to another application form.

  • You have changed the application form linked to the category of the application with lost information.

Lost information due to change of category of application

You risk losing information associated with submitted entries if you change the category of an already submitted application to another category with a different application form. You can change back the category of the application by going to Registrations > Specific registration > Edit > Category to restore the information from the application form of the original category.

Lost information due to change of application form

It is also possible to lose information if you change the application form of a category with existing entries. IMPORTANT: While you can restore the information for those entries by bringing back the old form, note that if you have entries that have used the new form for that category, you might lose information associated with them. For that reason, it is not recommended to assign a new form to a category if you already have received entries for that category.

If you still wish to restore the lost information, go to Settings > Forms > New form > Edit > Assign to categories and unassign the form from the category. Then in Settings > Forms > Old form > Edit > Assign to categories you can assign the form back to the category since a category can only have one application form.

Pro tip: To minimize the risk of data loss due to different forms and form fields, you can use the same application form for different categories where possible since one application form can be assigned to multiple categories.