Make program applications public with Winner Lists

Winners > Lists

You can make a selection of, or all program applications public by creating a winner list from Winners > Lists. Click on New List and customize it with: 

  • List name — choose a name for your list. 
  • Select which entries to display — you can enable one or more filters to select which entries will appear on the list. Note that if you don’t select any filters, all approved entries will be displayed.
  • Allow entry filtering by — you can allow entry filtering by Category and/or Award. This setting allows viewers to select which entries to view. 
  • Display entry as — you can choose whether to visualize applications as a list or gallery. 
  • Group entries by — you can select whether to show all entries in a single list or group entries by category. 
  • Sort entries by — you can choose to sort your entries alphabetically, by score, or randomly. 
  • Ranking priority — you can select in what priority entries should be ranked if 1 entry belongs to 2 rounds or entries within the same category belong to different rounds, by dragging and dropping the rounds.
  • List items — you can select which entry elements to make visible on the list by ticking the respective box. 
    • Allow opening full entry — by enabling this option, you get a selection of which list items will appear in the entry preview.  
  • List URL — Complete the slug with your list name, e.g. gold-awards, platinumwinners, top10, etc. Note that you can only use Latin letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores. 
  • List visibility — this setting enables you to choose between Public or a Password protected list, keeping the list private and making the content accessible only to those who have the password. Ticking the box will open a field where you can insert the password. 

Note that you can change this setting at any time should you decide to subsequently make the list public. (E.g., you want your company’s members or the judges to view it before you announce the results officially.) 

Press Save to create the list.