Positional voting

Evaluation > Rounds > Add round > Voting type

With this type of voting, each voter preference is allotted a specific fixed weighting. The weighting is based on the Borda count where each application gets a number of points corresponding to the number of candidates ranked lower. The applications with the most points overall win.

To set it up, go to Evaluation > Rounds > Add round > Voting type and select Positional voting.

Voting limitations

Voting limitations   

Number of preferences — set the number of preferences each voter gets. This setting defines the number of ranking options for your voters. 

Submit preferences — select whether your voters will rank their preferences by category or for all the entries assigned to them.  

  • By category — your voters will determine their preferences for each category of entries that has been assigned to them and the system will calculate the results to produce a separate ranking for each category.  
  • Once for all entries — your voters will determine their preferences overall for all entries that have been assigned to them, regardless of the category, and the system will calculate the results for a single overall ranking. 

You can also choose to leave judge comments as optional or disable them.