Set up Braintree payments

Settings > Payments > Payment methods

Braintree is one of the leading online payment processors in the world and powers single-click purchasing for consumers in over 40 countries. Through their Instant Sign-Up you can start accepting payments for your programs within minutes of registering.

To use Braintree with Evalato you need an active Braintree account and to complete the setup for the payment method.

Setup instructions

  1. Sign Up for a Braintree account at

  2. Under the main navigation menu click on Account > My user in the top right hand corner of your screen

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on API keys under Authorization

  4. Click View under Private key

  5. Go to Settings > Payments > Payment methods and press Add payment method then add the Credit card (Braintree) payment method.

  6. Copy your Merchant ID, Public key and Private key and paste them in the corresponding Evalato fields for the payment method

  7. Go to Settings > Processing and scroll down to Merchant Accounts

  8. Copy the Merchant Account ID and paste it the corresponding Evalato field for the payment method 

Registrations using Braintree are automatically marked as paid upon successful payment.

What you need

  • A bank account – this is where funds will be deposited once payments start going through.

  • A merchant account – used for routing funds from your customers’ accounts to your bank account. It is similar to a line of credit, so you’ll need to fill out an application form with Braintree. Once approved, you can begin accepting payments from customers. Braintree offers merchant accounts, but if you already have one, it’s possible that you can continue to use it with Braintree only acting as a payment gateway. Keep in mind that if you use another merchant account provider, they will have fees associated with their services on top of Braintree’s fees. You can Contact Braintree for more details.

  • A payment gateway – Braintree’s payment gateway will connect you to all of the banking institutions and payment processors that you need in order to collect money from your customers. You’ll give the payment information to Braintree, and Braintree will let you know if the transaction was approved by the bank.

Receipt emails

Braintree can send email receipts to your customers for every successful sale transaction. This feature needs to be activated by Braintree’s support team, so it’s best if you check this article on how to do this. Once their support team confirms the feature is enabled, you need to:

  1. Log into the Control Panel in Braintree

  2. Navigate to Settings > Processing > Email Receipts > Edit

  3. Check the box next to Enabled

  4. Configure settings

  5. Click Save

Payment icons

You can add Payment icons on your registration form to show which forms of payment are supported. Please keep in mind that some of these options may only be available in select countries. The icons serve only as a visual indicator for the person making the purchase. If you are not certain which forms of payment are supported by the selected payment method, we advise checking with the payment method’s official documentation.