Set up Giropay payments

Settings > Payments > Payment methods

Evalato users in Europe with an active Stripe merchant account can use Giropay to quickly and easily accept electronic payments from customers in Germany.

Setup instructions:

  1. Sign up for a Stripe account at

  2. In Evalato go to Settings > Payments > Payment methods and press Add payment method, then add Giropay (Stripe) from the list of available payment methods.

  3. In your Stripe merchant account go to API > API keys tab, copy and paste the necessary information into the corresponding fields in Evalato.

  4. In your Stripe merchant account go to API > Webhooks tab, press +Add endpoint for Endpoints receiving events from your account.

  5. Make sure Send all event types is selected and provide the following URL in URL to be called:

  6. After you add the link to your Endpoints receiving events from your account, click on the URL, use Click to reveal in the Signing secret section to see your unique secret code, and copy-paste that code into the Webhook secret field of the payment method in Evalato.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you turn off View test data before copy-pasting the necessary secret keys into the corresponding fields in Evalato. The secret keys generated in View test data mode are for testing purposes only!